Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) provides an umbrella framework for cross-recognition with other construction industry schemes by way of a “deemed to satisfy” status.  The strategic aim of SSIP is to reduce the burden and cost of Health & Safety pre-qualification processes to suppliers and /or buyers.

This standard requires ISO 45001.

Available for every type of organisation that supplies goods or services to the Construction Industry

SSIP is a Construction Industry Scheme with its roots in the Construction Design & Management Regulations 2015. 

As part of the ISO 45001 Audit, SSIP assessments will be made against the Core Criteria threshold covering one or more of the following categories:

  • SSIP Approved (Non-Construction Contractor)
  • SSIP Approved: Contractor (Construction)
  • SSIP Approved: Principal Contractor
  • SSIP Approved: Designer
  • SSIP Approved: Principal Designer

Note:  the SSIP Approved (Non Construction Contractor) category is for organisations who operate outside of the Construction Industry or are construction based Consultants that are not classed as a Contractor by way of definition in the CDM Regulations 2015.

Why should I combine SSIP with ISO 45001?

I want to make sure that my organisation meets H&S Pre-qualification requirements

I want my organisation to work with Construction Industry organisations

I want to reduce my costs by optimising my processes

I want to define a clear framework for my business


ISO offer

Why achieve SSIP certification with SOCOTEC Certification UK Ltd?

Within SOCOTEC Certification UK Ltd, we've put together a portfolio of services that are fully compatible. 


We are UKAS accredited (UKAS accredited certification body No. 0063). 


You benefit from our knowledge and assistance with the application of your certification.

Discover the benefits of working with us in the UK

Within SOCOTEC Certification UK Ltd, we've put together a portfolio of services that are fully compatible. 


We are UKAS accredited (UKAS accredited certification body No. 0063). 


You benefit from our knowledge and assistance with the application of your certification.

You want to get certified ? Contact us

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