ISO 14001 certification is an internationally recognised standard that enables you to have a framework for your environmental management system.

Through this standard, you can achieve your certification regardless of your industry or operational activities. It is aimed at any organisation, public or private and regardless of company size. Our team of experts are able to support you throughout the entire certification process, ensuring that you achieve your environmental management goals with confidence and efficiency.

By adhering to ISO 14001 you can unlock a wide range of benefits that extend beyond compliance. Its comprehensive framework empowers organisations to proactively address environmental challenges, enhance their operational efficiency, and exhibit commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, i.e. Environmental, Social and Governance.

What are the three key requirements of an environmental policy under ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 requires your organisation’s executive team create an environmental policy that outlines how your business will mitigate its environmental impacts. Three key points that should be covered in the environmental policy include:

  • Continual improvement: Your environmental policy should focus on your organisation’s commitment to enhancing your environmental performance. It should identify areas for enhancement, plans to implement effective strategies, and schedule regular reviews of environmental objectives.
  • Prevention of Pollution: It is necessary to outline the potential sources of pollution that your organisation is creating by carrying out its operations and activities, and the measures that will be implemented to control them.
  • Framework for objectives and targets: Establishing a framework for your environmental objectives is an integral part of creating your environmental policy. Each objective should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound and align with your overall business objectives.
Pre-assessment Audit

Pre-assessment Audit

We can provide an independent audit of your management system before the commencement of the Stage 1 audit.

Stage 1 Audit

Stage 1 Audit

First, we gain an understanding of your business to assess whether your document policy, objectives, continual improvement plans and procedures meet the requirements of the management system (MS) standard. The readiness of your implementation programme is assessed for the Stage 2

Stage 2 Audit

Stage 2 Audit

We will then audit your MS in action, to check that your declared policy, objectives and targets have been effectively communicated, and that your continual improvement plans and procedures are working in practice. Certification is then awarded after successful closures of any outstanding issues.

Surveillance Audit

Surveillance Audit

After you have achieved certification, we undertake regular ongoing audits of your MS to ensure that it is being maintained and that it continues to meet the objectives of your organisation and the expectation of your customers.

Recertification Audit

Re-certification Audit

The certificate is valid for 3 years. A recertification audit is conducted on the full MS before the expiry of the certificate.

What are the benefits of ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 offers several benefits to organisations that implement and maintain an effective environmental management system, including:

  • Improving Your Environmental Performance: ISO 14001 will support you with identifying and managing any environmental impacts that occur because of your operational activities. This will help you reduce your energy consumption, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improving Your Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Implementing ISO 14001 will help your organisation stay up to date with changes to all relevant environmental laws and regulations.
  • Managing Risk Effectively: Identifying and addressing potential environmental risks reduces the risk of an accident, spill other environmental incident occurring. ISO 14001 encourages a proactive approach to risk management, protecting the reputation of your organisation and relevant stakeholders.
  • Achieving Global Recognition: As an internationally recognised standard, ISO 14001 certification signals an organisation's commitment to environmental, social and governance responsibility worldwide.
    iso 14001

    ISO offer

    Why obtain ISO 14001 certification with SOCOTEC Certification UK ?

    Our team of experts take pride in building strength through our actions. When you embark on your certification journey with SOCOTEC Certification UK, rest assured that you will receive the utmost support throughout the entire process. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that you have a smooth and successful experience.

    Our commitment to your satisfaction drives us to go above and beyond to meet your expectations and needs. We understand that every client is unique, and we strive to support you with creating an environmental management system that suits your specific requirements.

    Discover the benefits of working with us in the UK

    Our team of experts take pride in building strength through our actions. When you embark on your certification journey with SOCOTEC Certification UK, rest assured that you will receive the utmost support throughout the entire process. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that you have a smooth and successful experience.

    Our commitment to your satisfaction drives us to go above and beyond to meet your expectations and needs. We understand that every client is unique, and we strive to support you with creating an environmental management system that suits your specific requirements.

    FAQs: ISO 14001

    ISO FAQs
    Guidance Document Support

    Download our ISO 14001 guidance document for additional support:

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